
Europe Health Advice

Stay informed and be prepared for your stay in Europe

guide santé europe

Fly to Europe in complete safety

Want to travel to Europe from Lyon?
Discover all our recommendations to anticipate your stay!

Planning to travel within Europe? Whatever the season, our continent holds various surprises waiting to be discovered and is suitable for all types of trips: whether you want to perfect your English in London, stroll the streets of Seville, or taste the traditional Scottish curiosity haggis in Glasgow. However, based on the country you choose to visit, specific vaccines may be recommended or even required. Here is some information to help you travel safely.

Which vaccines do you need to visit Europe?

Vaccin Famille Voyage

Before going anywhere, it is important to find out about the recommended and mandatory vaccinations in the destination country.

In France, for example :

  • Poliomyelitis, diphtheria and tetanus vaccination is mandatory.
  • Pertussis, tuberculosis (BCG) and MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccination is recommended.

You must therefore make sure you are up to date with these vaccinations.

More generally, vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is highly recommended in Central Europe, Northern Europe and Eastern Europe, especially in spring and summer. For extended stays, it may also be wise to receive rabies vaccination, especially in Eastern Europe. It is in no way mandatory, however.

Lastly, vaccination against typhoid fever and hepatitis A is recommended for extended stays, or in countries with precarious conditions such as Moldova, Romania, southern Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

To learn more about vaccinations, we invite you to learn more on the french administration website by clicking on the link below.
Vaccinations for travel

Preventing infectious and parasitic diseases in Europe

Europe is a fairly safe continent. However, there are still health risks for travellers, especially during trips to Eastern Europe, where food-related infections are more prevalent.

Risks of infections related to tick bites are higher in the spring and summer months, especially as regards Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis.  Lastly, note that certain infectious diseases are also present in Europe. This is particularly true for:

  • Measles: this is on the increase in various countries, notably Germany (Berlin) and France (eastern region);
  • Tuberculosis: this disease is present in certain countries such as Hungary, Poland, Romania and Ukraine.
When visiting one of these countries, prior vaccination is highly recommended.
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